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Saturday, 13 August 2011

Diabetes a Technical Narrative

Diabetes: The Echo Effect

By: Jon Barron
Over the years, I've talked about various aspects of diabetes, but never actually devoted an entire newsletter to the subject. Yes, high fructose corn syrup, starches, and added sugars are a problem, but they only scratch the surface of the issue.

The Diabetes Echo Effect

Type 2 diabetes is not like any other disease. Most diseases such as cancer and MS are linear. In other words, you get the disease and it progresses in a straight line, from point A to point B. It may have regressions and remissions in which it backs up on its linear path for a bit, but then it picks up steam and once again proceeds on down the same track to its ultimate conclusion. Diabetes does not do that.
Diabetes actually follows multiple, mutually reinforcing paths -- an echo effect if you will, with each echo reinforcing and amplifying all the other echoes, or "effects". This distinction is of vital importance because it mandates multiple points of intervention if you wish to reverse diabetes and not just slow its progression.

Reversing Diabetes Begins with Understanding Insulin

Despite long intervals between meals and the erratic intake of high glycemic carbohydrates, blood sugar levels normally remain within a narrow range. In most humans, this range is from about 70-110 mg per dl. (Note: a blood sugar reading of 100 equates to about 1/5 of an ounce of sugar (5 g) total in the bloodstream of an average 165 lb (75 kg) male. That's it: 1/5 of an ounce.
The body's mechanisms for restoring normal blood glucose levels when it drops outside of its range (either low or high) are extremely efficient and effective.
High blood sugar levels are regulated by the hormone insulin, which is produced by beta cells in the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. These cells are extremely sensitive to variations in blood glucose levels and, under normal circumstances, respond with extraordinary speed to any variation.
When you eat high glycemic foods, you suddenly increase the amount of sugar in your blood. This increase triggers the beta cells in the pancreas to release insulin, which travels in the blood to cells throughout the body, where it facilitates the uptake of sugar in the individual cells so that it can be quickly converted to energy. If you eat too much sugar, insulin tells the body to store the excess sugar as glycogen in the liver (and also, to a lesser degree, in muscle tissue). When the glucose levels come down to acceptable levels, this triggers the beta cells in the pancreas to stop the production and release of insulin, which allows the process to stabilize. When blood glucose levels drop too low, however, the hormone glucagon is released from alpha cells (located in the pancreas), which triggers the release of sugar stored in the liver as glycogen; thus, once again pinging blood sugar levels back to normal. One important note: release of insulin is strongly inhibited by the stress hormone, noradrenaline, which is why blood sugar levels increase so dramatically during stress.

The Initial "Sound":

Insulin Resistance On the surface of the cells of your body sit insulin receptors. These little "lock and key" chemical gateways act like little doors that open and close to regulate the inflow of blood sugar. After many years of consuming a high-glycemic diet, these cells become damaged by exposure to so much insulin that their "doors" begin to malfunction and shut down.
As a result, the fat cells, muscle cells, and liver cells of the body become resistant to insulin so that normal amounts of insulin are no longer adequate to produce a normal response. The cells require ever and ever greater quantities of insulin to achieve even the most minimal response. Insulin resistance in fat cells results in the peakdown of stored triglycerides, which elevates free fatty acids in the blood. Insulin resistance in muscle cells reduces glucose uptake which keeps sugar levels high in the blood, and insulin resistance in liver cells reduces glucose storage, which also raises blood glucose levels.

The First Diabetic Echo: Increased Production of Insulin

To continue the "door analogy" we started above -- with fewer doors open, as we mentioned, your body needs to produce ever more insulin to "push" the glucose into the cells. More insulin causes even more doors to close and as this vicious cycle continues, a condition called "insulin resistance" sets in.
This is a primary cause and effect response by your body. If normal insulin levels are not enough to make the cells behave properly, the beta cells in your pancreas continue to sense high levels of glucose in the blood; they thus go into overdrive to pump out ever greater quantities of insulin in an attempt to ping blood sugar levels back to normal. In most cases, this extra insulin is enough to ping things back under control -- for a time -- but with two significant side effects:
1. It puts undue stress on the beta cells in the pancreas. They can only operate in overdrive for a limited period of time before they burn out. At that point, not only can they no longer produce sufficient levels of insulin even under prodding, they have effectively lost all ability to produce insulin under any conditions. They are burnt out.
2. The increased insulin comes with a whole host of its own side effects. See Echo Three below.

The Second Diabetic Echo: High Sugar Damage

Too much sugar in the blood leads to increased thirst in the body's attempt to get rid of the extra sugar. This leads to increased urination and starts putting an extra burden on your kidneys. Too much sugar causes the small blood vessels throughout the body to narrow as your body tries to abate the damage caused to organs by minimizing the ability of the excess sugar to reach them. The higher the blood sugar level, the more the small blood vessels narrow. The blood vessels thus carry less blood, and circulation is impaired. Poor circulation in turn results in complications such as: kidney disease, poor wound healing, and foot and eye problems. This sugar imbalance also alters fat metabolism, increasing the risk that cholesterol-laden plaque will build up in the large blood vessels. Finally, sugar also sticks to proteins, in effect carmelizing them, causing their structural and functional properties to be changed. It is a primary reason that wounds don't heal since they have trouble making quality collagen, the connective tissue that is the major structural protein in the body.
The bottom line is that people who have diabetes are at considerable risk of multiple "complications."
In addition, as we mentioned earlier, stress results in the adrenal glands pumping adrenaline into the bloodstream which increases free fatty acids in the blood and shuts off the release of insulin. In obesity, less and less insulin is able to reach the insulin-responsive muscles. In the end, there is not enough insulin to meet the demand.
Diabetic neuropathy (damage to nerves caused by diabetes) affects the peripheral nerves, such as those in the feet, hands and legs. Symptoms include numbness, tingling and pain.

The Third Diabetic Echo: Excess Insulin Damage

Excess sugar is not the only problem associated with diabetes. Excess insulin is also a killer. Insulin is the master hormone of your metabolism. When it is out of balance and your insulin levels are consistently elevated, a long list of deadly complications are created:
  • Heart Disease
  • Hardening of the Arteries
  • Damage to Artery Walls (elevated insulin levels are directly implicated in the damage done to arterial walls that leads to atherosclerosis)
  • Increased Cholesterol Levels
  • Increased Triglycerides
  • Elevated Blood Pressure
  • Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies
  • Kidney Disease
  • Fat Burning Mechanism Turned Off
  • Accumulation and Storage of Fat
  • Weight Gain -- Obesity

The Fourth Diabetic Echo: Destruction of the Beta Cells

This is the big echo in which all the other echoes get ramped up to catastrophic levels.
When blood sugar levels rise even slightly above 100 for as little as two hours, beta cell failure is detectable. People that maintain blood sugar levels of as little as 110 can lose as much as 40% of their beta cell capacity in as little as two years.
In other words, the very cells of your body responsible for keeping blood sugar under control are destroyed by the excess blood sugar that they are unable to control, which echoes back on the beta cells in the pancreas, destroying them and thus causing blood sugar levels to rise even further. This then reverberates through the body once again, echoing back once more on the pancreas, killing even more beta cells -- on and on until there are no beta cells left to destroy.

Echo Five: Breakdown of the Body

At a certain point in the process, when your body can no longer produce any insulin and resists even the insulin you take through injection, you begin to experience the ravages of diabetes. At that point, you're looking at:
  • Neuropathy
  • Amputation
  • Kidney failure
  • Dialysis
  • Heart disease
  • Blindness
  • Death

Summarizing the Diabetic Echo Effect

Let's say you start developing the early signs of diabetes and you decide to clean up your diet. The problem is that you've already started the echoes. So although your diet may now have lower amounts of sugar, your pancreas is compromised so that it can't produce enough insulin to handle even normal amounts of sugar, and the cells of your body are now resistant to insulin so that even if your pancreas weren't damaged, it couldn't produce enough insulin. This means that sugar levels remain high in your bloodstream even though you've corrected your diet, and the diabetic damage continues apace.
But it doesn't stop there. Remember, an entirely separate echo has also been set in motion. As a result of the higher than normal levels of sugar and insulin in your blood, you've damaged your kidneys so that they can no longer fully cleanse your blood of waste. That means that even if you are able to reestablish normal blood sugar levels, the toxins not cleared by your kidneys continue to damage the organs of your body -- including the pancreas and the kidneys, which means the damage continues apace and eventually your pancreas and kidneys will fail.
Don't worry. Although the situation may sound grim, it's not hopeless. It does, however, present the limitations of the medical approach, and it does show why the Baseline of Health program, which deals with the whole body all at once, is likely to produce significantly better results than the medical approach.

So What Can You Do About Diabetes?

Standard medical treatment offers several flawed approaches:
  • Drugs like metformin seek to inhibit the absorption of high glycemic carbohydrates in the intestinal tract and enhance insulin sensitivity in the body, thereby reducing the need for extra insulin.
    • The major problem with metformin is its effect on the gastrointestinal system, ranging from a mild loss of appetite to nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, cramps, flatulence and diarrhea. Many patients find these symptoms impossible to cope with and discontinue the tablets within days.
    • Lactic acidosis is a rare but dangerous side effect of metformin. This is a serious condition where the cells of the body do not get enough oxygen to survive. It is caused by a buildup of lactic acid in the blood. Most of the cases described have been in people whose kidneys were not working well (as we've already seen, an inevitable problem with diabetes).
  • Drugs like glyburide work by stimulating the pancreas to release more insulin.
    • Glyburide is so effective that you need to carry glucose pills with you in case you produce so much insulin that your blood sugar drops too low and you fall into a diabetic coma. Although this rarely happens, it is indicative of the larger problems with glyburide:
      • It raises insulin levels so high that your body faces all of the problems of high insulin levels discussed above.
      • It doesn't repair beta cells; it just forces them to work harder -- thus speeding up the day when they peak down and become dysfunctional.
  • Extra insulin in the form of pills or injections cover you when the beta cells in your pancreas have burned out and can no longer produce sufficient insulin by themselves or even when stimulated by drugs such as glyburide -- until, that is, your body's insulin resistance is so high that no amount of insulin is adequate for the task at hand. At that point, your body goes into rapid decay.

A Diabetic Alternative: Stopping the Echoes

Obviously, any viable alternative needs to address the problems that medicines do not. They also need to work "with" the body so that they can work long term -- not squeeze your body dry until it eventually peaks down. And finally, any viable alternative needs to stop all of the echoes -- all of them without exception -- so that nothing bounces back to retrigger the problems.
With that in mind, in addition to changing your diet (no more sodas and high glycemic snack food), you will want to explore the following options:
  • Inhibit absorption of high glycemic foods, without creating unwelcome responses in the intestinal tract, such as those experienced using metformin. This can be accomplished with the following herbs:
    • Nopal
    • cactus
    • Gymnema sylvestre
  • Naturally reverse insulin resistance so less insulin is required through:
    • Konjac mannan
    • Cinnulin PF
    • Chromium GTF
    • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Repair beta cells in the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas to optimize insulin production reserves as opposed to forcing the cells to dramatically overproduce as with glyburide, which leads to inevitable burn out.
    • Gymnema sylvestre
    • Alpha lipoic acid or R lipoic acid
  • Lower blood sugar levels through proper diet and herbal supplementation:
    • Fenugreek extract
    • Momordica charantia
    • Corosolic acid
    • Mulberry
    • Reduce stress. Remember, adrenaline suppresses the release of insulin.
  • Protect organs and proteins from damage caused by higher than normal levels of sugar through a mixture of antioxidants and nutraceuticals such as:
    • L-Carnosine
    • Acetyl-l-carnitine
    • DMAE
    • CoQ10
    • Alpha lipoic acid or R lipoic acid
    • Benfotiamine
  • Protect organs from damage caused by higher than normal insulin levels by cleaning the blood and by using:
    • A blood cleansing formula
    • Proteolytic enzymes
    • Omega-3 fatty acids
The bottom line to preventing and reversing diabetes is to do everything, and do it all at once. Since diabetes is not a single straight line progression disease, you need to stop every single "echo" so that no aspect of the disease can reverberate and start the whole process moving downhill again. You need to stop it all or it will all start again.

Scalar Energy Technology

What is Scalar Energy?

Scalar energy is a subtle energy that can be harnessed to produce healing energy frequencies.
Has existed since the beginning of time.

Benefits of Scalar Energy

  • Eliminates the negative effects level of man-made frequencies/radioactive i.e.TV, cell-phone, electric cable and computer.
    1. Scalar energy frequency will neutralize man-made frequencies to harmless frequencies to humans.
    2. Increasing every cell energy level to 70-90 mini volts. (70-90 mini volts are the healthy cells in our body).
  • Relive fatigue, tiredness and rightly. When sick or tired these charges will decrease.
    1. Scalar Energy will energize our cells back to a healthy state and the electrical charges will remain in the cells, thus we will feel less fatigue, tiredness and rigidity after work.
  • Protect cell’s DNA from damage and prevent cancer cell.
    1. DNA’s particles are connecting with each other by hydrogen bonds. When hydrogen bonds of DNA are damaged, some of the DNA’s particles will loose out and become cancer cells.
    2. Scalar Energy is able to imprint in human DNA, and protect the hydrogen bond from damage by increasing its energy.
  • Enhance detoxification and nutrient uptake process. (Like sugar-diabetes, cholesterol, oil, hypertension, toxins.)
    1. Enhance system to absorb vitamins from foods and drink and increasing system detoxification of chemicals of food and drinks.
    2. When cell is running detoxification and nutrient uptake process, it needs to go through cell wall. The higher the cell wall permeability, the easier the detoxification and nutrient uptake process function.
    3. We will become healthier when a cell uptake enough nutrient and detoxify all waste from cells.
  • Strengthens the body's immune system.
    1. When the cell gets enough energy (70-90 mini volts), detoxify and nutrient uptake process is functioning at best state, the cell will become healthy cells. When cells are healthy, they are able to fight against the bacteria in our body. Our bodys immune system is strengthening.
  • Cleanses the blood and improve blood profile.
  • Improves mental focus and helps to regulate blood pressure.
    1. 1. Scalar Energy can cleanse the blood, improve chylomicron (protein / fat particles suspended in the blood). When blood is clean and chylomicron and triglyceride profile is at a good level, the blood level flow will be more than fluent, this will help regulate the blood pressure.
    • Strengthens immune function up to 149%. • Exerts anti-depression effects by inhibiting the re-uptake of noradrenalin. • Prevents or reverses cancer cells.

How do we know products contain Scalar Energy?

  1. The water molecule is become smaller by putting it on the Scalar Energy product after awhile.
  2. The cigarette will become tasteless by putting it on the Scalar Energy product after awhile.
  3. Improving the taste of coffee and tea by putting it on the Scalar Energy product after awhile.

More about Scalar ENERGY?

  • The main frequencies that are embedded in out product are 8hz (ALPHA
    ENERGY) and 12 Hz (THETA ENERGY)
  • These two core frequencies are amongst the most beneficial to the human body.
  • Product with Scalar Energy guarantee brings the healthiest life to you.

Can the Scalar Energy transferred to our body then we can enjoy the many health  benefits of Scalar Energy?

  • Absolutely!
  • H/Phone demo, Flexibility demo, Stability demo, Balancing demo, Strength demo, Cigarette/Coffee or Tea place near on product demo.

Will the energy in the products dissipate over time?

  • Once embedded, Scalar Energy will remain in the products for life
  • It is even able to transmit Scalar Energy to other products placed on or next to it without itself losing any of its original energy.

The Mechanism of Scalar Energy Theory!

A New Paradigm

We are about to talk about some things concerning health and nutrition that are probably brand new to you. This topic is not inherently difficult to understand, but since it represents a total paradigm shift in how you will look at health and nutrition, we will have to proceed slowly.
We’re going to learn how to actually embed healing energy in nutritional products.
Also, in order to explain everything, we will have to touch on some very esoteric areas such as how healing energy frequencies are transferred from the products you ingest into every single cell of your body – with profound implications for your overall health.
With that said, let us begin.

The Nature of Energy

All of the energy that we normally think of is characterized by both particle and wavelike properties. The waveform of all these energies can be graphed as a hertzian wave (either in the form of a sine wave or a step wave).
We’re talking about everything from electricity to magnetism, from light to sound.
The only difference between all of these forms of energy is how fast the waves rise and fall (the frequency) and how intense those rises and falls are (their amplitude).

Scalar Energy

Scalar energy, however, is a different animal. Understand, scalar energy has always existed – since the beginning of time – however, it’s only recently that scientists have discovered and begun to make use of it.
It was actually back in the mid 1800’s that the existence of scalar energy was first proposed in a series of 4 groundbreaking equations by the Scottish mathematician, James Clerk Maxwell.
It was almost a half-century later before Nicola Tesla actually was able to demonstrate the existence of scalar energy. When Tesla died, he took the secret of scalar generation with him, and it took almost another full century before science was once again able to positively demonstrate the existence of scalar energy and turn to an exploration of its potential.

What are Scalar Waves?

The standard definition of scalar waves is that they are created by a pair of identical (or replicant) waves (usually called the wave and its antiwave) that are in phase spatially, but out of phase temporally. That is to say, the two waves are physically identical, but 180 0 out of phase in terms of time. The net result is that scalar waves are a whole different animal from normal hertzian waves.
They even look different – like an infinitely projected mobius pattern on axis.

Different - How?

Scalar energy is different from standard hertzian electromagnetic fields in a number of important ways.
First, it’s more field like than wavelike. Instead of running along wires or shooting out in beams, it tends to “fill” its environment. This becomes very important in terms of developing the technology for embedding products with scalar energy.
For many of the same reasons, it is capable of passing through solid objects with no loss of intensity. In fact, that is exactly what Tesla demonstrated over 100 years ago when he projected a scalar wave through the earth with no loss of field strength. Again, this is vital in the development of technology capable of embedding scalar energy in products.
It implants its signature on solid objects. This is actually the heart of the issue. All electric fields can implant their signature on objects, but not to the degree that scalar energy can. This becomes extremely important when we actually talk about the mechanics of embedding the energy field in products, and then transferring that charge from the products into every cell of your body.
Scalar energy can regenerate and repair itself indefinitely. This also has important implications for the body. In other words, once the charge is implanted, you can keep it there with the regular ingestion of charged products.
In fact, the right scalar frequencies have a whole range of profound beneficial effects on the human body. (And we will detail each and every one very shortly.)
In the New Age community there has been much talk of the benefit of things like Tachyons, Radionics, and Pyramids, etc. Analysis shows that these are all, at heart, scalar generating devices – but cannot come close to the effectiveness of ingesting scalar enhanced products.

Generating Scalar Energy

Actually, scalar waves can be generated in many ways. For example, you can generate them Electronically, Magnetically, Physically (by the motion of a mobius strip), or Optically (by the movement of phased patterns on a computer monitor).

The Mechanism of Scalar Energy Theory

 You can actually buy wristwatches that incorporate moving mobius strips that generate protective scalar fields.

Embedding Scalar Energy in Products

As I mentioned earlier, all life is fundamentally energy based, and therefore, all life has numbers of structures capable of holding a scalar charge. In point of fact, the very same structures that allow the scalar charge to be embedded in products also allow that charge to be transferred to the human body from those same products.
For example:
There are many crystalline structures in every cell wall – all capable of holding a charge
There are many liquid crystal structures in the collagen network comprising all of the space between cells – also capable of holding a charge.

And In Your Very DNA

We are going to get very abstract, for one final moment, before we begin to simplify everything and bring it all together. So just hang in there for a little longer.
There are Quantum Mechanical models that describe subatomic particles such as Excitons, Plasmons, and Solitons that can store and carry biological information along macromolecules in response to low level scalar energy. In other words, scalar energy is capable of imprinting itself on your very DNA.
Before we move on to the benefits of scalar energy for your health, it would be worth dwelling for a moment on what proof exists that everything I’m talking about is real.

There is Proof

It is possible to measure scalar fields, but most people don’t have the required equipment. Therefore, let’s turn to a form of proof that we can see right now – Kirlian photography.
A Kirlian photograph is merely a specialized kind of photography that images the bioelectric field that surrounds all objects – particularly living objects.
U.S. News and World Report ran an article some time ago calling Kirlian photography a hoax.
To quote from the article: “Controlled experiments have shown that the Kirlian photos (captured by passing an electric current through the subject, whose "energies" are then recorded on special photographic plates) are the result of moisture and pressure, not spiritual vitality.”
And that’s absolutely true, as far as it goes. The simple fact is, though, that it’s possible to set up a hermetically sealed environment where moisture and pressure are constant, and therefore not influencing the outcome of the pictures.
And yet, even in those controlled environments, it’s possible to produce startling and revealing photos.
For example:
Here are two pictures of lentil sprouts – identical, except for the fact that the lentil on the left has been soaked in very hot water for a minute or so.
According to the U.S. News and World Report article, since it has more moisture in it, it should conduct more electricity than the unblanched lentil on the right and produce a brighter field.
As you can see, the exact opposite is true. (If you’re looking at a black and white printout, the greatly expanded red area appears dark gray.) And that’s why the National Institute of Health and Cambridge University, among other major institutes, are studying Kirlian photography, despite claims to the contrary.
So what can we learn about scalar enhanced products through Kirlian photos? Well, the absolute most important thing we can learn is that the scalar charge is, unquestionably, embedding itself in the products. Below are just a couple of examples of products before and after embedding.

Before embedding After embedding


This is the big question, isn’t it? What health benefits are there to consuming scalar enhanced products? As it turns out, they are many – AND THEY ARE PROFOUND.

Regular intake of scalar enhanced products can:

  • Eliminate and nullify the effects of manmade frequencies (60 cps) in the human body.
  • Increase the energy level of every single cell in the body to the ideal 70-90 millivolt range.
  • Increase the energy covalent level of every single hydrogen atom in the body as verified by spectrographs. This is significant because covalent hydrogen bonds are what hold your DNA together. In other words, consuming scalar enhanced products can protect your DNA from damage.
  • Improve cell wall permeability thus facilitating the intake of nutrients into each and every cell and the elimination of waste from each and every cell. (As a result of the high transmembrane potential mentioned above, scalar enhanced products effectively cause every single cell in your body to detox).
  • Decrease the surface tension of the embedded products, thereby significantly reducing the time required for your body to assimilate those same products.
  • Increase overall body energy levels as a result of increasing cellular energy for trillions of cells.
  • Cleanse the blood improving chylomicron levels (protein/fat particles floating in the blood) and triglyceride profiles and fibrin patterns.
  • Improve immune function by as much as 149% as proven in laboratory studies, it.
  • mprove mental focus as demonstrated by increased amplitude of EEG frequencies.
  • Balance out the two hemispheres of the brain, again as measured by EEG tests.
  • Work as an antidepressant since it inhibits the uptake of noradrenaline by PC12 nerve cells.

And finally, there’s Cancer

That’s right; as if all of the benefits we’ve listed so far were not enough, the regular intake of scalar enhanced products may very well play a significant role in preventing and/or reversing cancer.
Cancer cells are, almost without exception, low voltage cells. As I mentioned earlier, the optimum cell voltage for most cells in the body is in the 70-90 millivolt range.
Cancer cells are almost exclusively in the 15-20 millivolt range. There have been many theories proposed as to why this is true. The most likely one is that as cell voltage starts to drop into the range where the very survival of the cell may be called into question, the cell begins to proliferate uncontrollably in an attempt to guarantee its “survival.”
If you raise cell voltage (which is exactly what can happen when you consume scalar enhanced products), the cell no longer needs to proliferate wildly. In effect, it can become “normal” again. The implications for this in treating cancer could be profound.

Questions & Answers

How long will products hold their charge?
The higher the quality of the product to start with, the longer it will hold a charge. High quality “alive” organic type products actually will often display a stronger charge after 6 months then when first charged Are charged products safe?
Absolutely. Again, there is nothing unnatural about scalar energy. It has been around since the creation of the universe. It’s all a question of embedding healing/energizing frequencies as opposed to harmful frequencies. Which frequencies do we embed?
Without giving away proprietary information, there are two key frequencies we focus on. First, is the Schuman Resonance. This is in the 7.8 - 8 range. It is the frequency the earth emits when there is nothing around – nothing manmade and no plant or animal life around. It is the innate frequency of the earth. The other frequency is closer to 12 HZ. This is the frequency that you will record in a rainforest – again with nothing manmade around. These are the core scalar frequencies that accomplish everything we’ve talked about in this report.
What will I notice by using scalar enhanced products?
In addition, to every other benefit that we’ve outline so far, you will find that scalar enhanced products will be absorbed faster, work faster, and produce stronger results.


Several years ago, I discovered and developed the Barron Effect, which incorporates the principle of energy enhancement to modify the physical structure of herbs during the tincture manufacturing process. The net result is herbal tinctures that are over 100% stronger than anything the world has previously seen. Over the past two years I have been closely monitoring the work of several research groups (including ex NASA engineers) who have developed technologies based on similar principles of physics that allow for the embedding of scalar energy fields in nutritional products at meaningful levels.

Enhanced products through Bio-Energization:

Enter your body faster and work better than comparable unenhanced products.
Enhanced products work to charge every single cell of your body with health promoting scalar waves.
The more enhanced products you use and the more often you use them, the more profound the effect. The effect is cumulative. Scalar Energy Pendant is made up of a revolutionary material from minerals that are infused of perpetual energy which is beneficial to the body and blood circulatory function.
The Pendant when placed touching your body gives additional strength, improves your flexibility and balance. These mind-boggling effects to the human body because of the characteristics of its materials have stirred up a lot of curiosity, interests and even controversies because of the science surrounding this phenomenon is yet unknown to the average minds, and quite difficult to comprehend without deep knowledge in chemistry and physics including the science of Scalar Energy.
But to those who have seen the actual demonstrations in front of their eyes can only be amazed by the effect rather than occupy themselves with its scientific explanations. The audiences are left flabbergasted:
How one can support the strength pulling his body backwards and maintain his balance. Without the pendant, he can easily fall backwards.
A person lifting his arms sideways can withstand the push made on his one arm and not fall-off towards the other side. Without the pendant, he easily falls-off towards the other side when his one arm is pushed upwards even slightly.
Four individuals with regular body weight can lift a heavy person using only their forefingers. Without the pendant, they would feel the pain on their fingers and not even move the person lying on the couch.
These are just a few of the amazing things one can do when wearing a pendant.
There is so much more demonstrations that can be performed, so the effect is truly unbelievable.

Health Benefits believed to be offered by this Pendant

  • Enhances blood circulation, therefore gives additional strength and helps in lowering blood level
  • Enhances immune system
  • The energy embedded is said to assist the body in destroying viruses and bacteria
  • Assists in detoxification
  • Can improve water quality by simply putting the glass of water on top of the pendant
  • Increases energy
  • Helps to protect DNA from damage
  • Helps to retard the aging process
  • Helps to fight cancer cells
  • Helps in improving the body’s aura or energy field
  • Believed to prevent electro-magnetic waves (or radiations coming from appliances, mobile phones, etc.) from causing bad effects to the body
Here are some reading materials about the Pendant and the Science of Scalar Energy. Please note that these articles were taken from other sources and we do not claim exclusive rights of these texts nor do we prove the truths of the research made by the writer of these articles. We published the following on this page only as reference for those who are interested or have purchased the LVE Quantum Pendant and want to delve more into this topic.
The Composition of the Pendant and How it Works
The Pendant is a natural energy generating device which improves the metabolic and circulatory functions of the body to achieve optimal holistic health. The active ingredients inside the Pendant comprise of over 70 different natural minerals extracted from volcanic rocks which are then recombined using nanotechnology and heat fusion methods. Energy medicine sees human beings as networks of complex energy fields that interface with the physical and cellular systems of the body and uses specialized forms of energy to positively affect those energetic systems that may be out of balance.
The Quantum Pendant works by radiating natural scalar energy which enters the body of the wearer and get distributed to the areas in need of an energy balance.
Scalar energy has definite positive effects on the body including:
  1. Increasing the energy level of every single cell in the body by facilitating the entry of nutrients and elimination of wastes from the cells.
  2. Converting the water in the body to become smaller molecules (micro-clusters) which has better dissolving, cleansing and healing powers.
  3. Neutralizing the harmful effects of external electro-magnetic radiation.
  4. Reducing inflammation.
  5. Improving brain power by increasing mental focus, enhancing creativity and calming the mind.

What is Scalar Energy?

A subtle energy that can be harnessed to produce healing energy
Had existed since the beginning of time
Its existence was first proposed in a series of 4 equations by Scottish Mathematician James Clark Maxwell in the mid 1800's
Nicola Tesla demonstrated the existence of Scalar Energy towards the end of the 19th century
It is only recently that science was able to positively demonstrate the existence of Scalar Energy, to explore and harness it for health purposes
To find out more on Scalar Energy and its healing effects, click here for BarronReport.pdf
The Principle of Scalar Energy Technology Scalar Energy Technology is related to Quantum Mechanics. Every living thing has cell as its base element. A cell is composed of molecule which itself is composed of atoms. In these atoms, a small particle called "quantum" is generating waves.
Hence the basic unit of all living things is "quantum wave". Every matter on earth comprises of atoms. In each atom, we have electron (-) and proton (+). They are in a state of attracting and repulsing each other which causes vibration. It is this vibration that creates energy. The principle of Scalar Energy Technology is based on the fact that any matter has its own atoms. These atoms have their own energy (wave) pattern and its vibrating manner. Our human body also has similar energy pattern. Each cell of the body has its own vibration frequency and energy form.
In the principles of Scalar Energy Technology, this energy from the human body is described as the third form of energy - "Subtle Energy" instead of the usual electricity or magnetism.
DNA in cells sends and receives "high coherence" vibration and "chi" which is used to control the interaction of cells. This is how our white blood cell can search for pathogenic microbes and the flow of nutrient or waste in our blood and lymph. All this organic processes are controlled by this signal (vibration) of each cell.

The Mechanism of Scalar Energy Theory

All matter has a characteristic feature to memorize the energy. With this knowledge, we can embed a specific type of energy (health promoting) into a matter.
The most state of the art technology is required for embedding energy into a matter. This technology is derived from principle of Quantum Theory. The use of Scalar Energy products will neutralize the negative energy in our body.

 Benefits of Scalar Energy

  • Eliminates the negative effects level of man-made frequencies (60 cps)in the body
  • Increases cell energy level to 70-90 mini-volts, relieves fatigue, tiredness and rigidity (you feel more energetic)
  • Protects cellular DNA from damage by increasing energy of hydrogen bonds that hold DNA together
  • Facilitates nutrient absorption with improved cell wall permeability
  • Speeds up body's detoxification process
  • Cleanses and improve blood profile
  • Strengthens immune function up to 149%
  • Improve mental focus and mental clarity
  • Improve vision
  • Reregulate blood pressure
  • Prevents or reverses cancer cells
  • Helps those with insomnia

Differences Between Scalar Energy and Electrical, Magnetic, Sound & Light Energy

  • Scalar Energy is more field like than wave like and it tends to fill the environment
  • It is capable of passing through solid objects with no loss of intensity
  • The Scalar Energy once embedded into an object, the energy will remain in the object indefinitely and can regenerate and repair itself indefinitely
  • The effect of Scalar Energy is cumulative, it gets stronger 
  • with time
  • Scalar Energy is capable of imprinting itself on human DNA